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Wonderful Wednesday #238

Wonderful Wednesday #238
{Blue skies and the most perfect Autumn day on Tuesday!} Hello, hello and hello!  Man alive it feels so strange to be sat here typing this little post to you actually on a Tuesday and not a) in a flurry of a rush or b) too early or c) too late.  How ARE we all?!  I hope i find you well.  For once you find me well-rested and the best kind of happy and relaxed.  That's because i have been off work since last Wednesday.  In fact as you read this i'll be back at work after a GLORIOUS seven whole days off.  I've slept an extra two hours …

Wonderful Wednesday #237

Wonderful Wednesday #237
{More autumnal greatness!}  Writing this weeks #wonderfulwednesday on an actual Wednesday afternoon and it feels all kinds of wrong and upside down and inside out.  Almost as bad as that time i had to start writing it on a Sunday evening because i knew i was going away and wouldn't have reliable internet.  That felt worse.  Cheating almost. At least now there's been part of the week and we're sitting with our feet dangling into the weekend - well sort of.  Truth is this week has just gone:  Vanished, va-moose.  POOF!  And i knew i h…

Wonderful Wednesday #236

Wonderful Wednesday #236
{When Autumn gets it right....it really gets it right!} Hello!  How do you do?  I'm calling this 'the thirty minute edition' since as that's the only physical time i have to write this weeks post on Tuesday evening in amongst general life admin, a hyper 'wants to play with and eat everything' puppy and the time to actually make and eat food.  Oh and The Great British Bake Off.  But hopefully you wont begrudge me that one luxury?!  Will you....?!

This week has gone before it's barely started.  I'm in Edinburgh tomo…

Wonderful Wednesday #235

Wonderful Wednesday #235
{Dipping my toes into autumn...and very happy about it! Hello September!} I'm BACK!  This week has been a blur of working six whole days in a row and of busy-ness, and actually having to stop for a second a wonder if i'd missed this weeks post altogether!  Phew.  Am i allowed to be secretly glad that since as it's now September i can legitimately add 'Autumn' as a label to my post since as i don't mind telling you i've been itching to for too long to admit to.  How are you?!  Tell me about your week and what's be…