Sunshine Forever

As i write this it is RAINING.  It is not only raining but it is blowing such a whooshing, howling WIND that it makes standing up hard work.  Therefore it gives me and my two wheels little chance of an escapade today.  So i am drinking spiced winter-berry and hibiscus tea, listening to Tom Odell and burning coconut scented oil in my little ceramic burner.  It's quite the mixed message.  The winter spiced tea is warming my soul and stopping me from eating another walnut whip, and the scented oil is taking me back to summer and to sunshine and to, well just not grey thanks kindly. And Tom Odell, well he is just fab company whatever the weather really.

Yesterday i was TEASED with such a gloriously blue-skied day, only to be slapped around my chubby cheeks when i opened my eyes this morning; with rain hammering against our attic window and the beams rattling and rolling like there was no tomorrow.  I didn't get up until 10am and i am holding such GREY-ness utterly and completely responsible.  After eating three maple and raisin pancakes with butter and honey and washed down with fresh coffee, i got dressed somewhere between 11am and midday.  
*    *    *
It's been a funny few days of spending time 'just ME.'  With time off and not many people around, i have thought a lot. This isn't a bad thing as it is one of my favourite things to do.  To just get a bit lost in my head.  I have been thinking about the future, maybe where i will be and what i will be doing this time next year.  If i shall perfect the art of growing windowsill greenery.  How i want to visit foreign cities, Paris, Bruges, Munich.  That i want to continue to be less-frivolous with my money and to use it for better things than anything with a Liberty print.  That i want to meet more bloggers than i already have and that i want to visit old old friends that i haven't seen for what feels like far far too long.  Sometimes my thoughts just runaway with me you see.  Suddenly i look up, my tea has gone cold and an HOUR or more has passed.  Let us rejoice in yesterdays blustery sunshine filled day and some photographical evidence and have faith altogether that Spring might arrive soon...

How has everyone's weekend been? Did you manage a fleeting glimpse of a BLUE sky somewhere too?