Because well, what have we got at the start of March if we haven't got HOPE? As i sit and write this, there is sleet and snow falling softly upon our office skylight and the heating is up high. I am wearing my oldest and softest {soft in a 'please-don't-fall-apart-soon' kind of a way} and most-loved blue skinny jeans, a white vest, a white tee and a silk pale pink smock blouse. Oh and my favourite rose pink oversized cardigan. And my slippers. The only vaguely 'Spring' thing about my get-up is the pink: both on my cheeks and in my knitted apparel. But that's okay because i've got HOPE. I am HOPEful. Just like the teeny, tiny purple and yellow crocuses lining our park, like the bright and brilliant daffodils i spotted on the embankment - dancing in a wind so strong that i had to get off and push those two wheels for a little bit. It was so cold that i wish i had little jackets for all of the brave Spring plants poking their sweet noses out of the ground at the moment. But they are the reason that this time of year feels so good: Like the world has started afresh, a new chapter and new goals and aspirations for the months to come. I love the feeling a new season brings, and doesn't Spring bring the very BEST?
1. Fresh BLOOMS. If Winter is the time for spiced scented candles then Spring is most definitely the time for open windows, fresh flowers each week {an indulgence worth every penny in our book!}. Fresh flowers are a way to splash colour on grey days; to fetch in sunlight {even if it is in the form of daffodils} into your home and to bring the scent of the outdoors into your sweet space. I can't stop sticking my nose in our jug of daffodils. I love that i can smell green as soon as i walk into our home.
2. ^This^ sweet VERSE by Erin Hanson. Because this just sums up Spring in only a few lines, something that i am not too great at: Minimal words! The more the merrier on this sweet space. I do love the simplicity of that sweet poem though. It's not often you think of the seasons in that way: That Spring needs Winter just as much as Summer needs Spring.
3. Bare-skin and flowers in your HAIR. It's felt and still feels a little bit like i live with a scarf of some description slung around and about my neck. On long windy and sleety bike rides, i feel so grateful for that woollen magic keeping me warmer. I still cannot imagine life without mittens or bobble hats but i am hopeful that one day soon, that shall change. I can't wait to dress my messy hair in floral crowns and wear my lightest cotton smock blouses with just a light knit.
Tell me, what are you HOPEFUL for?

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